American Veterinary Medical Association

Poultry veterinarian Simon Shane:
“I really don't want to get involved in a fruitless discussion on ethics and morality.”
The bitter civil war dividing American Veterinarians

protesters on sidewalk holding sign

Activists protest outside the AVMA’s summer 2022 convention. Photo by Direct Action Everywhere. The bitter civil war dividing American Veterinarians

A chicken's body heaves as she gasps for air while being subjected to ventilation shutdown by researchers. Image c/o United Poultry Concerns.

A chicken's body heaves as she gasps for air while being subjected to Ventilation Shutdown-Plus by NC State University researchers. Violating the AVMA’s Oath to protect animals, the AVMA SUPPORTS this torturous process of killing birds and pigs on farms by depriving them of air and inflicting heatstroke on them to protect the Agribyssmal industry from the effects of Avian Influenza and other contagious diseases spread by this industry. Animal Outlook photo c/o United Poultry Concerns.

2007 and earlier

The AVMA Supports Starving Hens

In 1992, for the 4th time, the AVMA rejected a resolution presented by the Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights that called for a position statement against forced molting by food deprivation. In 1992, UPC and Illinois Animal Action staged a protest demonstration at the AVMA’s headquarters in Schaumburg, Illinois. Photo by Illinois Animal Action. American Veterinary Medical Association Continues to Support Forced Molting