30 March 2018

The Art of the Pheasant: Beautiful Paintings by Canadian Artist Barry Kent MacKay

The family of birds known as pheasants includes chickens, quails, peafowl, pheasants and other ground-nesting birds. Native to Asia and India, these wary inhabitants of the tropical forests were tragically transported by the Europeans to Europe and the Americas to endure a horrible fate of fanatical and relentless cruelty including factory farming and canned “hunts” in which pheasants and quails are artificially incubated, tended and confined for the sole purpose of releasing them, tame and defenseless, into the woods for target practice, hunting dog training, rural youth indoctrination, and mass slaughter overseen and financed by federal and state fish & game departments at taxpayers’ expense. (See for example: Jerry Davis: New pheasant hatchery equipment keeps releases on track  24 March 2018 — Wisconsin State Journal. )

In this alert, we are sharing with you, to encourage your care and concern for pheasants with a view to further activism on their behalf, some beautiful paintings of Golden Pheasants by Canadian artist Barry Kent MacKay, courtesy of All-Creatures and with the kind permission of the artist.

Golden Pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus) by Barry Kent MacKay

Golden Pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus) by Barry Kent MacKay

Golden Pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus) by Barry Kent MacKay

Golden Pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus) by Barry Kent MacKay