United Poultry Concerns
Promoting the compassionate and respectful treatment of domestic fowl

PO Box 150 Machipongo, VA 23405-0150
(757) 678-7875
FAX (757) 678-5070

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Karen Davis 757-678-7875

If Turkeys Could Speak They'd Say "Don't 'Pardon' Me,
Don't Gobble Me, Eat Tofu Tom and Let Me Be"

    Date: Wednesday, November 24
    Time: 1:00pm - 2:30pm
    Place: White House Rose Garden

United Poultry Concerns will hold a protest demonstration against the presidential "pardoning of the turkey" ceremony at the White House Rose Garden on Wednesday. Instead of "pardoning" innocent birds in phony ceremonies designed to make fun of turkeys, we urge all Americans to join us in pioneering new traditions of respect and compassion for which we can be truly thankful.

"Eat Mrs. Gobblegood's Golden Brown Pie instead of Mrs. Gobblegood," Mrs Gobblegood tells the nation.

"Instead of sarcastically 'pardoning' a turkey to palliate mass murder, food poisoning, moldering carcasses and rotting politics, we urge people to join us in marching to a different drumstick this Thanksgiving and Eat Happy," says United Poultry Concerns president Karen Davis. "That's the way of the future and the road to peace. Eating Tofu Tom means never having to say you're sorry."

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