United Poultry Concerns
26 February 2009
Veggie Pride Parade, New York City, 2009
Mark your calendar for Sunday, May 17, 2009!

Visit: www.veggieprideparade.org

Please join UPC President Karen Davis, Parade creator Pamela Rice, and other animal rights activists for the Second Annual Veggie Pride Parade in New York City. Last year’s Parade was a huge success. The 2008 Parade was covered by The New York Times and many other media outlets in NYC and around the country

This year’s Parade will be even Bigger and Better!

Procession starts at Noon – lineup 11 a.m. – in the Old Meat District in Greenwich Village where Little West 12th St., Gansevoort St., Greenwich St. & 9th Ave. converge.

Map of parade start: www.veggieprideparade.org/dept/maps.htm

Endpoint for the Parade this year is Union Square Park (north end).

Want to know how you can get involved? Click here:

Become a sponsor: www.veggieprideparade.org/dept/sponsors.htm

Purchase your program ad now: www.veggieprideparade.org/dept/program.2009.htm

Special features on the Website:

Slide show
Bulletin board
List of exhibitors & speakers 2009
Images from last year’s parade
Media coverage from last year’s parade
Contest winners from last year, with pictures
Official song by Cheryl Hill Band: Get Your Green On!
And much more!

Please forward this email freely: www.veggieprideparade.org
For more information, call 212-242-0011.

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