Urge Humane Society of Missouri NOT to Serve Animals
at Its August 22 Fundraiser
United Poultry Concerns has learned from Animal Place (www.animalplace.org) that the Humane Society of Missouri (www.hsmo.org) is putting on a Polo Match and BBQ to help their Longmeadow Rescue Ranch project, a facility that rescues and places abused and neglected farmed animals, including horses.
Serving the flesh of animals to raise money for animals is counterproductive and sends a terrible message about the value of all animals. www.upc-online.org/summer2009/humane_meat.html
While we understand that the Humane Society of Missouri does some wonderful work for dogs, cats, horses and abused farmed animals who have been seized, unfortunately HSMO also continues to host fundraising events that rely on the endangerment and exploitation of horses for entertainment and on the killing of chickens, cows, and pigs for food, to support the care of those very same animals at Longmeadow Rescue Ranch (www.longmeadowrescueranch.org).
What Can I Do?
Please write HSMO’s president, Kathryn Warnick and ask that this animal abusing fundraising event scheduled for August 22 be stopped, and that all future events for Longmeadow Rescue Ranch be animal friendly. Address: 1201 Macklind Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110. Phone: 314-647-4317.
If you live in Missouri or donate to HSMO, please call the shelter and express your outrage at this and all events that raise money for Longmeadow Rescue Ranch through the death and exploitation (abuse) of animals. Phone: (636) 583-8759. Links for further information:
Thank you for speaking up - and feel free to post this message far and wide!
14 August 2009
Kathryn Warnick, President
Humane Society of Missouri
1201 Macklind Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110
Dear Ms. Warnick:
I am writing to you on behalf of United Poultry Concerns regarding your August 22nd fundraiser for Longmeadow Rescue Ranch. I respectfully urge you to serve an animal friendly meal of compassion for all animals, instead of serving dead animals to raise money for the animals at your Longmeadow Rescue Ranch facility.
Longmeadow Rescue Ranch’s rescue and rehabilitation of abused animals is wonderful; but using other abused animals as bait to fund this enterprise does nothing to arrest the cruelty that chickens, cows, pigs and other farmed animals are forced to endure to feed people’s thoughtless eating habits. It ensures that the cruelty will continue in a never-ending spiral of miniscule rescue and massive abuse.
It must also be mentioned in this regard that our planet, as you know, is suffering hugely from the human consumption of animals and animal products. The suffering of defenseless animals imprisoned in filthy dark buildings, the deterioration of our planet to which animal confinement operations are major contributors, and the myriad and expensive health problems of people gorging on dead flesh - no humane society should be facilitating these bad things.
I urge you, in conclusion, to discontinue your inhumane dinners and adopt a Compassionate Meals Only Policy as an integral part of your humane work for animals. There are thousands of humane recipes to choose from on the Internet, in bookstores, from animal rights organizations, vegetarian societies, and compassionate chefs. There is no justification, whatsoever anymore, for claiming a lack of good recipes as an excuse to be cruel to animals in meal planning. It is incumbent upon a humane society to set an example by treating all animals with respect and teaching this respect to others. In today’s world, this is easy and requires only a little bit of courage and creativity in order to do it.
Thank you for your attention. I look forward to your response.
Karen Davis, PhD
President, United Poultry Concerns
Enclosures: Instead of Chicken, Instead of Turkey: A Poultryless “Poultry” Potpourri, Replacing Eggs, additional humane education literature about chickens and other domestic fowl