April 8-9, 2006 * Columbus, Ohio
Using the Media Effectively to Promote Farmed Animal and Vegetarian Issues
Learn how to:
- Write a publishable letter to the editor
- Talk confidently to reporters
- Do call-in radio
- Start your own broadcast
- Get media to tell your story
Register Now! UPC’s 6th Annual Forum, April 8-9, 2006, University Plaza Hotel and Conference Center in Columbus, Ohio.
Forum Registration Before April 6: $90 includes 2 breakfasts and two vegan luncheons.
Seniors/Students: $65.
Registration AFTER April 1: $100. $75 Students/Seniors
Exhibitor Table: $100 plus Registration Fee
University Plaza Hotel Rooms: $89 each. Call toll-free 877-677-5292
To register, send check or money order to United Poultry Concerns, PO Box 150, Machipongo, VA 23405 USA. Or Click Here to Register Online
Janice Blue, Founder-Producer, Go Vegan Texas
Karen Davis, Founder-President, United Poultry Concerns
Karen Dawn, Founder-Producer, Dawn Watch
Louie b.Free, Host of Brainfood from the Heartland (Louie b.Free Radio Show, WASN, Youngstown, Ohio)
Bruce Friedrich, Director of Vegan Campaigns, PETA
Debra Probert, Executive Director, Vancouver Humane Society
Nathan Runkle, Founder-Director, Mercy for Animals
Paul Shapiro, Factory Farming Campaign Director, Humane Society of the United States
Jeff Sharp, Team Leader - Ohio Survey of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Issues, Rural Sociology Program, Ohio State University
Kim Sturla, Co-Founder-Director, Animal Place
Special Film Presentation: The Emotional World of Farm Animals
Produced by Animal Place. Led by Jeffrey Masson, author of The Pig Who Sang to the Moon and Raising the Peaceable Kingdom (2005)