Dear Friends,
Here is the promotional description of this slimy chicken “art” project that’s due to start in March. We need to stop it.
Please post your opposition and urge cancellation of “The Story of Chickens”
Feel free to circulate this alert and get others to join you in saying No to slaughter as “art.” Thank you!
Promotional Description
“The Story of Chickens: A Revolution”
by artist Amber Hansen will debut in March 2012 with a ceremonial ribbon cutting for a chicken coop on wheels, and the installation of 5 chickens. During the event, community members will be invited to share personal stories about their relationships with
animals and to discuss the project.
The coop will be a nomadic sculpture that will relocate every 4 days. It will be created with the technical assistance of Cotter Mitchel and
will be designed to be both functional and beautiful. A public message board in the form of a chalkboard will be mounted on it, to update and
inform viewers about the birds and the project.
The chickens will inhabit the coop for one month. During this time many members of the community will become engaged through storytelling,
proximity, and caring for the birds. The project aims to create a daily interaction with animals on a communal level. Volunteers and community
members alike will become guardians of the chickens and they will have the opportunity to build a relationship with the birds.
At the end of the month, the chickens will be removed from the coop and butchered in a humane way under the guidance of Hank Will. The
public will be invited, and encouraged to witness this phase of the life cycle that is often hidden from our perception. Such slaughter
takes place on a mass scale every day, but each generation becomes further removed from this reality.
Participants will then be invited to a potluck that will take place the next day, when the birds will be prepared for consumption by 715
restaurant head chef Michael Beard. The meal will take place at the Percolator Art Gallery, an alternative community-run space in downtown
By building a relationship with the birds, the project will transform the contemporary view of chickens as merely “livestock” to
the beautiful and unique creatures they are, while promoting alternative and healthy processes of caring for them. It will also make visible
local groups who are already making efforts to do so.
The public will be notified of the coop’s location via the Lawrence Journal World, so that they can watch its location as it moves
throughout town.
Hansen: “Interacting with animals allows us a more complete understanding of humanity; it reminds us of our relationship with the natural
world, and our responsibility in caring for it.”
About the Artist
Amber Hansen
is currently the Artist in Residence at The University of Kansas living in Hashinger Hall. Amber has been involved in numerous community
based projects and has experience painting murals, film-making, caring for farm animals. It is from your childhood experience, being surrounded
by animals, that this project was inspired.
Cotter Mitchel:
Born, last century, and raised in Lawrence, Kansas. Mitchell began his “Art Support” career in 1984 at the Spencer Museum of
Art as an Exhibition Technician. Since 1989 Mitchell has managed the Common Shop for the Art & Design Departments, assisting students and
faculty with all aspects of fabrication in varied mediums. Mitchell freelance works with local and international artists, and galleries
including the fabrication of public sculptures, packing, shipping and display of art objects.
Hank Will
: Hank Will-Will’s career in agriculture began while working toward his Ph.D. in plant biochemistry and molecular biology from The
University of Chicago. After leaving Chicago, Hank put his rural Harrisburg, South Dakota farm to work. He grew and direct marketed several
thousand free-range broilers annually from that location. His substantial laying flock supplied the Banquet and other local food charities
with hundreds of dozens of donated eggs year round and he has also donated hundreds of pounds of free-range turkey to the Banquet and
Sioux Falls Food Pantry. He is currently the editor of GRIT Magazine.
UPC posted the following comment on the Spencer Museum’s Facebook Page:
United Poultry Concerns opposes Amber Hansen’s proposed “The Story of Chickens: A Revolution.” A traveling carnival of
animals through Lawrence, culminating in the communal bloodletting execution of the five birds, most likely in front of each other, seems like
a desperate attempt on the part of the gallery and the “artist” to be “original.” But it isn’t. It’s stale,
cruel, and impoverished.
In addition, the birds so used are most likely the very genetically-engineered, industrially produced hatchery chickens locavores claim to
oppose as part of their opposition to “factory farming” of which this is in fact not an alternative but an example. Cloying
rhetoric notwithstanding, there is nothing kind or respectful about turning a helpless bird into a degraded spectacle, and contrary to claims
that throat-cutting is “humane,” it is not. Throat-cutting is extremely painful to the victim, made worse when the victim is
immobilized in a killing cone that prevents him or her from struggling, while conveniently hiding the evidence of suffering (apart from the
hoarse cries of the birds) from view.
Cuddling these chickens and gaining their trust, then turning on them with a knife, while this may be a standard farming practice, is neither
humane nor necessary, and it certainly isn’t art. It’s plain old gratuitous cruelty seeking a legitimized outlet. The project is
completely misconceived. It is not revolutionary in any worthwhile sense. We urge its immediate cancellation.
Karen Davis, PhD, President
United Poultry Concerns
Machipongo, VA 23405