UPC News Releases
- International Respect For Chickens Day Celebrates the Joy of Chickens 1 May 2023
- United Poultry Concerns Condemns Chicken Roping Contest, Urges Compassionate Conduct 8 February 2023
- International Respect For Chickens Day Celebrates Compassion for Chickens 3 May 2022
- United Poultry Concerns Urges Tractor Supply Company to Stop Selling Chicks & Ducklings 24 March 2022
- International Respect For Chickens Day Celebrates Compassion for Chickens 29 April 2021
- Tractor Supply Company Mistreats Baby Chicks and Ducklings 22 April 2021
- International Respect For Chickens Day Celebrates Compassion for Chickens 1 May 2020
- “Depopulation” of Poultry Does Not Mean “Humanely Killed” 29 April 2020
- Activists Cross NYPD Barricades to Provide Food and Water for Birds Brutalized in Illegal Open-air Slaughterhouse in Brooklyn, Exposing Extreme Political Corruption 7 October 2019 - www.EndChickensAsKaporos.com
- Press Release: Cruelty-Free Education Petition to Washington’s Board of Education and Superintendent of Public Instruction 29 August 2019
- International Respect For Chickens Day Celebrates Compassion for Chickens 30 April 2019
- Activists Hold Mass Vigil and Provide Water for Birds Brutalized in Illegal Open-air Slaughterhouse in Brooklyn, Exposing Extreme Political Corruption 14 September 2018 - www.EndChickensAsKaporos.com
- UPC Issues Statement Regarding Jason Alexander's Sponsorship of KFC 16 August 2018
- International Respect For Chickens Day Celebrates Compassion for Chickens 1 May 2018
- United Poultry Concerns Asks Ridgeland, Wisconsin to Drop Chicken Toss 30 January 2018
- NYC Residents and Visitors to Hold Candlelight Vigil to Honor 60,000 Tortured, Discarded Kaporos Chickens 27 September 2017 - www.EndChickensAsKaporos.com
- Court Rules on Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos v. City of New York Appeal 8 June 2017 - www.EndChickensAsKaporos.com
- International Respect For Chickens Day Celebrates Compassion for Chickens 1 May 2017
- Protesters Will Oppose Ostrich Races at 29th Chandler Ostrich Festival 8 March 2017
- Federal Judge Blocks Ritual Animal Sacrifice 9 October 2016
- Federal Lawsuit Argues Chicken Kaporos is Illegal: Practice Not Protected by Freedom of Religion 3 October 2016
- Activists Plan Press Briefing, Rally and Vigils to Protest Chickens in Kaporos Rituals 3 October 2016 - EndChickensAsKaporos.com
- International Respect For Chickens Day Celebrates Compassion for Chickens 28 April 2016
- Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos Files Lawsuit Against Hasidic Rabbis and Synagogues in Brooklyn 15 July 2015 - EndChickensAsKaporos.com
- Activists Disrupt Ferry Building Meat Market for International Respect for Chickens Day Protest 2 May 2015
- International Respect For Chickens Day Celebrates Compassion for Chickens 30 April 2015
- Marin County Public Access TV to Highlight Dignity, Beauty and Abuse of Chickens 30 March 2015
- Ostrich Festival “Family Unfriendly” and Inhumane, Group Says 12 March 2015
- Brooklyn Press Briefing to Protest Chickens in Kaporos Rituals 30 September 2014 - www.EndChickensAsKaporos.com
- Activists Plan Brooklyn Rally to Protest Chickens in Kaporos Rituals 23 September 2014 - www.EndChickensAsKaporos.com
- The Local Grocer Issues Restraining Order Against Animal Advocate, Yoga Studio Joins With Market for Chicken Slaughter Class 23 June 2014
- Urban Adamah Kills Fifteen Hens: Animal Advocates Offered to Transport the Hens to Sanctuaries 22 May 2014
- Bay Area Animal Advocates Urge Jewish Urban Farm NOT to Slaughter 15 Chickens 1 May 2014
- Jewish Organization Opposes Slaughter of Hens, Pleads for Mercy, Urges Protest 1 May 2014 - jewishveg.com
- International Respect For Chickens Day Celebrates Compassion for Chickens 29 April 2014
- Turkeys – Who Are They? A Visual Lecture & Book Signing by Karen Davis, PhD 8 November 2013
- Activists Will Rally In Brooklyn, NY to Protest Chickens in Kaporos Rituals 4 September 2013 - www.EndChickensAsKaporos.com
- Hundreds of New Yorkers to Participate in 3rd National Animal Rights Day on June 9, 2013 6 June 2013
- International Respect For Chickens Day Celebrates Compassion for Chickens 30 April 2013
- Calgary Student Kills Chicken in School Cafeteria; Group Calls for Prosecution 26 April 2013
- Activists Will Rally In Brooklyn, NY to Protest Chickens in Kaporos Rituals 18 September 2012 - www.EndChickensAsKaporos.com
- Animal Advocacy Groups Urge National Fire Protection Association to Uphold Decision Requiring Agribusiness to Protect Farm Animal Facilities from Preventable Fires 31 July 2012
- United Poultry Concerns Celebrates International Respect for Chickens Day 1 May 2012
- Chickens Will Not Be Slaughtered for “Art” in Lawrence, Kansas. Activists Celebrate the Good News 1 March 2012
- Experts Promote Conscious Eating at UC Berkeley Conference February 18 14 February 2012
- United Poultry Concerns Urges “Don’t Gobble Me!“ at the White House Thursday, November 17 Noon to 3pm. Please join us! 16 November 2011
- Activists Will Rally In Brooklyn, NY to "End Chickens as Kaporos" 28 September 2011 - www.EndChickensAsKaporos.com
- Activists Celebrate International Respect for Chickens Day May 4 2 May 2011
- Activists End Live Bird Sales at San Francisco's Farmers' Market! 2 May 2011
- Animal Advocates Challenge Animal Slaughter in Florida Classrooms 24 March 2011
- Adam Karp Press Release: Petition to End Classroom Animal Slaughter in Florida 20 March 2011
- Animal Advocacy Group Urges VA Governor to Veto Bad Farm Animal Bill 16 February 2011
- Sanctuary, A Portrait Exhibition by Local Artist, Sharon Lee Hart 29 November 2010
- United Poultry Concerns Will Stick Up for Turkeys at the White House on Saturday, November 20 from Noon to 3PM 19 November 2010
- Activists Will Rally on September 12 in Brooklyn, NY to “End Chickens as Kaporos” 7 September 2010
- National Poultry Improvement Plan Is a “Cluster-Cluck” Animal Activists Say 30 August 2010
- United Poultry Concerns Honors International Respect for Chickens Day 29 April 2010
- United Poultry Concerns Will Hold Vigil for Turkeys in Bethesda Nov 20 19 November 2009
- United Poultry Concerns Activists Will Protest Cruelty to Chickens: Kapparot Chicken “Swinging” Ritual at Chabad Shul of Potomac, MD 24 November 2009
- United Poultry Concerns Urges Little Rhody Egg Farms to Stop Starving Hens 1 September 2009
- United Poultry Concerns Honors International Respect for Chickens Day 30 April 2009
- Prisoned Chickens, Poisoned Eggs Sheds Light in New Edition 10 March 2009
- United Poultry Concerns Campaign to Save Canandaigua Chickens Succeeds! 5 December 2008
- Canandaigua Academy’s Chicken Slaughter Project Stopped. NY State Education Department Halts Project 25 September 2008
- United Poultry Concerns Urges Compassionate Kapparot Ceremonies 23 September 2008
- United Poultry Concerns’ “Go Vegan!” Ads Hit Washington DC Metro Cars in April and May 17 April 2008
- Investigators Reveal Cruel Conditions for Turkeys Being Trucked to Sara Lee Slaughter Plants 19 December 2007
- United Poultry Concerns Will Stick Up for Turkeys at the White House on Thursday, Nov. 15 13 November 2007
- United Poultry Concerns Urges Money – Not Chickens – for Kapparot Ceremonies 11 September 2007
- United Poultry Concerns Pays Tribute to Gretchen Wyler 22 June 2007
- Classroom Chick Hatching Projects Should Be Replaced with Humane Education 18 May 2007
- International Respect for Chickens Day, May 4, Celebrates Chickens 1 May 2007
- United Poultry Concerns Clarifies H5N2 Pathogenicity, Number of Turkeys Killed 19 April 2007
- Turkeys with Avian Flu Killed with Firefighting Foam in West Virginia 18 April 2007
- UPC President Karen Davis Will Speak at Maine Animal Coalition Food Festival 11 April 2007
- Conference on Comparing the Holocaust with Other Atrocities to be Held at NYU Law School March 24-25 22 March 2007
- New Bird Flu Booklet From UPC 8 March 2007
- Bird Flu Brings Attention to Activists' Concerns 6 June 2006
- United Poultry Concerns Celebrates International Respect for Chickens Day May 4 1 May 2006
- United Poultry Concerns Supports Delaware Bill to Give Egg-Laying Hens More Space 12 April 2006
- United Poultry Concerns Will Hold Farmed Animal Advocacy Forum in Columbus, Ohio 3 April 2006
- United Poultry Concerns Urges South Dakota's Reptile Gardens Tourist Attraction to Drop Chicken “Basketball” 28 March 2006
- United Poultry Concerns (UPC) Condemns Chicken Drop 23 February 2006
- United Poultry Concerns Urges Ridgeland, Wisconsin to Drop Chicken Drop 13 February 2006
- UPC President Karen Davis will Speak at “Wings” Event 4 January 2006
- Battery-Caged Chicken Houses Under Rapid Fire 9 December 2006
- United Poultry Concerns Urges AVMA to Help Birds in Flu Killings 17 November 2005
- Poultry Press Wins Praise from Utne Magazine 31 October 2005
- UPC President Karen Davis Will Speak to Salisbury University 20 October 2005
- Investigation Shows the Hidden Horror of Egg Barns in Canada 13 October 2005
- World Farmed Animals Day Event – Please Join Us in Silver Spring, MD 12 October 2005
- Future Trends in Animal Agriculture Symposium Program 11 August 2005
- United Poultry Concerns is Proud to Announce Our New Book: The Holocaust & The Henmaid’s Tale 2 August 2005
- Activists Sexually and Physically Assaulted During Battery Farm Raid 28 July 2005
- Hens Will No Longer Be Starved But They Will Still Suffer 10 June 2005
- Canada’s Western Producer Cites United Poultry Concerns’ Opposition 18 May 2005
- International Respect for Chickens Day Wins Hearts and Minds 16 May 2005
- International Respect for Chickens Day Honors Roscoe the Rooster 2 May 2005
- California Bill to Ban Killing Birds in Woodchippers is Not Dead 21 April 2005
- United Poultry Concerns Proudly Announces International Respect for Chickens Day 6 April 2005
- Humaneness of Killing Birds with Carbon Dioxide is Disputed by Science 30 March 2005
- UPC President Karen Davis, PhD, Will Give Keynote Speech on "The Avian Flu Crisis in Canada: Ethics of Farmed-Animal Disease Control" 21 February 2005
- Scientific Expert Urges Less Cruel Method of Killing Chickens and Other Birds 6 January 2005
- Live Poultry Market Investigation in the Bronx Shows Misery, Sickness, Filth 17 December 2004
- New Video From UPC 15 December 2004
- UPC Forum "Mad Cows To Mad Chickens" a Huge Success 26 August 2004
- "Mad Cows To Mad Chickens" Conference Hosted at the Norfolk Hilton 17 August 2004
- Veterinary Association Will No Longer Support Starving Hens 28 July 2004
- AVMA Responds Falsely to New York Times Ad 28 June 2004
- Sixth-Grade Student on Long Island Saves Ducklings from Slaughter 9 June 2004
- Watchdog Discusses the Practices of the American Veterinary Medical Association with UPC President Karen Davis, Holly Cheever DVM, and Professor Peter Singer 8 June 2004
- "How Switzerland Got Rid of Battery Hen Cages" Now Available Online 17 February 2004
- Veterinary Magazines Cite United Poultry Concerns Leadership on Wood-Chipper Probe into the Role of AVMA Animal Welfare Committee Member 4 February 2004
- United Poultry Concerns Petitioners Urge Egg Industry to Stop Starving Chickens 21 January 2004
- Avian Vet Assn. Defends Gregg Cutler Despite Evidence 11 December 2003
- Harvard Phoenix Club Accused Of Animal Cruelty 8 December 2003
- BBB Rules in Favor of COK re ACC Logo 24 November 2003
- The Los Angeles Times Has a Great Article on the Wood-Chipper Episode 23 November 2003
- United Poultry Concerns Reports a Successful Student Protest Against the New Hampshire SPCA's Use of Suffering Animals to Raise Shelter Funds 17 November 2003
- United Poultry Concerns Urges the NHSPCA to Serve Compassionate Meals Instead of Dead Chickens and Fish at Its November 15 Fundraiser 13 November 2003
- Veterinarian Authorized Throwing Thousands of Chickens into Wood Chippers 9 November 2003
- United Poultry Concerns Marks World Farm Animals Day on the Eastern Shore 25 September 2003
- Dairy Queen Announces Cancellation of Animal Abuse Ad Due to Protests 24 September 2003
- United Poultry Concerns President Karen Davis will speak at Poplar Spring Animal Sanctuary’s biggest event of the year – and everyone’s invited! 3 September 2003
- United Poultry Concerns Will Host a National Forum on Promoting Veganism. University of Colorado’s Boulder Campus Welcomes Nationally Acclaimed Animal Rights Activists, August 16-17, in the Events Center 11 August 2003
- United Poultry Concerns Will Join PETA Demonstrators Against the AVMA 16 July 2003
- United Poultry Concerns (UPC) Condemns Fox Broadcasting for Promoting Bird Abuse for Ratings, People are Urged to Protest 25 June 2003
- United Poultry Concerns, Eastern Shore Chicken Sanctuary Will Protest Delmarva Festival of Death 16 June 2003
- United Poultry Concerns Urges the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) to oppose the forced molting of laying birds. Veterinarians and others are encouraged to write to the AVMA. 3 June 2003
- Swedish Animal Rights Group Open Rescue 9 May 2003
- San Diego County DA to Hold Briefing Today on Wood-Chipper Cruelty Case 17 April 2003
- Thirty Thousand Hens Were Fed to Wood-Chipping Machines United Poultry Concerns Urges Deputy District Attorney to File Cruelty Charges Against Everyone Responsible 16 April 2003
- United Poultry Concerns Calls on Tyson Foods, KFC, and the National Chicken Council to Improve Bird Welfare and Set Policies Prohibiting Deliberate Cruelty to Chickens 1 April 2003
- United Poultry Concerns (UPC) Urges President Bush to Stop Using Chickens in Iraq 11 March 2003
- United Poultry Concerns (UPC) and the AVAR Criticize the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s Approach to Eradicating Exotic Newcastle Disease in Birds 5 February 2003
- UPC's Karen Davis Presents “An Inside Look at the Modern Poultry Industry” at University of Wisconsin Whitewater Campus 3 February 2003
- New Brochure Takes A Chilling Look at the Fate of Birds in Laboratories 6 January 2003
2002 & earlier
- Turkey and Ostrich Races Cancelled Due to Protests 14 December 2002
- UPC Urges "Blue Square" to Cancel Heartless Turkey Race 10 December 2002
- Karen Davis Will Speak at VSDC Annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner 14 November 2002
- Chickens Win Victories on November 4 & 5, 2002 6 November 2002
- Re: Wisconsin Teacher's Hatcheting of a Chicken in the Schoolyard 5 November 2002
- United Poultry Concerns Profiled in Egg Industry Magazine, October 2002 4 November 2002
- Teacher Brutally Hatchets Helpless Bird to Death Before Young Students 4 October 2002
- Chicken Advocate to Speak at Sierra Club's Old MacDonald Conference 3 October 2002
- 3 Groups Urge Positive Chicken Stories During "September: National Chicken Month" 12 September 2002
- Cruel Chicken Stunt Planned for Wednesday August 7 Cancelled Following Protest 6 August 2002
- Killing Chickens to Fund Spay & Neutering Awareness Luncheon Has Been Canceled 26 July 2002
- Frank Perdue Now Available as a Voodoo Doll 25 July 2002
- United Poultry Concerns is an "Animal Rights Extremist" Organization 12 July 2002
- Guinea Fowl Drop is Cruel and Must Be Stopped 31 May 2002
- Featherless Chicken is Cruel, Obscene, and Absurd 23 May 2002
- Farm Animal Well-Being Task Group Chucked by USDA 22 May 2002
- Lewd Chicken "Nuggets" Ad Draws Fire from Georgia Resident 3 May 2002
- Pasco County Hens Find Sanctuary at United Poultry Concerns 22 March 2002
- Rural Hall, NC:Cruelty Complaint Lodged Against TRACTOR SUPPLY 200 2 March 2002
- UPC, Californians Urge Carl's Jr. to Drop Chicken "Nuggets" Ad 17 January 2002
- Activists Urge Top Penalty for Boulder Cnty Xmas Day Turkey Killer 8 January 2002
- 4th Annual Turkey Vigil To Be Held In Bethesda, Md 1 November 2001
- Carnegie Science Center Has Shut Down Sad Chick Hatchery for Good 23 October 2001
- UPC 11th Annual Mourning Vigil for Chickens On WFAD 26 September 2001
- Northwest Airlines Did Right to Ban Airmail Shipping of Live Birds 31 August 2001
- Bird Veterinarians Speak Out Against Forced Molting 30 August 2001
- Chicken Rights Activists Target KFC for Protest 24 July 2001
- UPC Urges VA Senators to Support Leahy-Fitzgerald Amendment 23 July 2001
- Protest the Delmarva Chicken Festival Of Sickness, Fear, and Death 14 June 2001
- Trooper Who Intentionally Roadkilled a Beloved Turkey Goes Free 4 June 2001
- Activists Will Protest Salisbury State Honoring Frank Perdue 30 May 2001
- Activists Call On Wharton School To Cancel Jim Perdue's Speech 17 May 2001
- All 214 West Side "Poultry" Out Of There! 2 May 2001
- West Side Poultry in Cleveland, OH to be Shut Down! 29 April 2001
- Denver DJ Sentenced for Cruelty to Hen 14 March 2001
- Fresh Fields Targeted For Selling Dead Ducks 7 February 2001
- DJ Convicted of Animal Cruelty For Chicken Abuse 2 February 2001
- MIA Exhibitors Free Chickens from Exhibit 21 October 2000
- UPC Protest Tomorrow At Foie Gras Seminar 17 October 2000
- Foie Gras Protest Wed Oct 18 in DC 10 October 2000
- Chicken Roping "Competition" Canceled 7 October 2000
- Dedication Ceremony For Roscoe the Rooster in Takoma Park - October 8, 2000 8 October 2000
- Hubbard Museum Called On To Cancel Chicken Roping "Competition" 5 Octboer 2000
- UPC To Adopt 25 Hens Rescued from Buckeye Egg Farm Disaster - 4 Octboer 2000
- California Assembly Ag Committee Forced Molting Hearing on May 3, 2000 1 May 2000
- UPC News Release: CSC Earth Day Protest 19 April 2000
- California Introduces First Bill to Ban Forced Molting 23 March 2000
- Australian Ministers Say Battery Cages Must Go! 8 March 2000
- Carnegie Science Ctr Promotes Animal & Child Abuse With Proposed Chick Hatchery 16 February 2000
- WPost Article "For The Birds" Wins Genesis Award 10 February 2000
- Action Alert - NBC4 Should Not Promote Emu Slaughter Products 3 February 2000
- UPC Nukes chicken Nuggets Exhibit 17 January 2000
- David Beitzel Gallery Cancels Perdue Exhibition 8 December 1999
- Turkey Advocates Will Protest Presidential "Pardoning" Ceremony 24 November 1999
- The Egg Industry Must Stop Starving Hens 27 September 1999
- UPC Direct Action for Chickens 28 June 1999
- UPC/AVAR Forced Molting Press Conference 20 January 1999
- Cockfighting Banned in MO and AZ 8 November 1999
- Urge TODAY SHOW to cancel Egg Sponsor 7 July 1998
- UPC and AVAR Petition US Government to Stop Forced Molting 7 April 1998
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