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Molly the Emu: An Update on Her Case

The long necks and excellent periscopic vision of emus enable them to survey the land for miles in all directions at once. Emu parents incubate and raise their young together. They are very gentle birds.

In the Summer issue of Poultry Press we urged people to urge attorneys in Comanche, Texas to prosecute the two adults and juveniles who entered the property of Bob and Carol Falk on February 14, 2015, took away their pet emu, Miss Molly, punched her eyes out, and choked her to death. The adults charged with committing this crime were Cassius Mankin and Zachary Boswell.

Unfortunately, the case against the juveniles is not available for public inspection. Regarding Zachary Boswell, United Poultry Concerns was told by the Comanche Justice of the Peace Office in early August that all he was convicted of was “illegal dumping and criminal trespass.” He was placed on “deferred adjudication” which means his criminal acts will not appear on the record as a conviction.

As for Cassius Mankin, he has been formally charged with “felony cruelty to livestock animals.” He is scheduled to be tried as an adult as soon as the judge places his trial date on the docket, which could be in October or December, according to the District Clerk’s Office.

On August 13, 2015, United Poultry Concerns sent Freedom of Information Act requests to the District Clerk’s Office and the Justice of the Peace Office to obtain the records for Cassius Mankin and Zachary Boswell, including police reports, affidavits, depositions and other information relating to their cases. Both the District Clerk’s Office and the Justice of the Peace Office told UPC that they have received many letters and phone calls urging prosecution of Cassius Mankin and everyone who took part in the torture and murder of Miss Molly, an innocent emu who was taken from her home during the night by these criminals.

What Can I Do?
Cassius Mankin mugshot

Cassius Mankin is charged with felony animal abuse.

It’s important that the District Attorney’s Office continue hearing from people demanding that Cassius Mankin (Case No. CR03870) be convicted of the felony cruelty to livestock animals with which he is charged, and punished to the fullest extent of the law. He should be required to undergo mandatory psychological counselling as well as jail time and a felony conviction on his record for cruelty to animals. His case is set for jury trial on October 5, 2015.


Judicial District Court Attorney B. J. Shepherd
PO Box 368
Meridian, TX 76665
Phone: 254-435-2994
Fax: 254-435-2952
Email address unavailable.

Thank you for demanding justice for Miss Molly.

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