Freddaflower Memorial & Appreciation Fund

The pain of losing them is the price we pay for the privilege of knowing them and sharing their lives . . .

We thank those people who have contributed to our work with recent donations In Loving Memory and in Honor and Appreciation of the following beloved family members and friends, both those who have passed away and those who are with us.

  • This donation is in loving memory of my husband Bruce Feldman. – Shirley Charney Feldman

  • I am sending this donation in memory of my beloved rooster, Scout, my best friend, who loved walking with me to the mailbox to get the mail. Whatever I did, he was right there. My donation is also in honor of the 36,000 precious young chickens whom PJ McKosky and his rescue team were unable to save, especially “one bird who had no eyes – soon disappearing into the mass of other sick and suffering souls.” Also the two birds sunk into the mud and feces “still fighting to live.” Bless PJ and the other team members for all the ones they did save. – Barbara Moffit

    Scout, my sweet rooster, by Barbara Moffit
    Scout, my sweet rooster, by Barbara Moffit
  • Our donation is in memory of our chicken Clover. – Cheryl and Dave Hopkins, Devoted to Animals

  • My donation is in memory of my precious turkeys Cutie and Turkey Poo. They were loved and they were very special friends and turkeys. – Kathryn King

    Cutie the Turkey
    Cutie and friend, by Kathryn King
  • In honor of my dear friend Ronnie Steinau. “Happy Birthday, Ronnie!” – Meredith MacCracken

  • In memory of Anne Bresingham. Thank you for helping. – Anonymous

  • Our donation is in honor of Jackie Kirkpatrick’s 40th sobriety birthday. – Ronnie and Steve Steinau

  • In honor of Nero, Fredericka, Julie, Nathaniel, Leonard, and Bertha, remembered forever and sadly missed. – Paul Deane

  • My gift is in honor of All God’s Creatures. – Brien Comerford