United Poultry Concerns is pleased to announce that our brochure “Free-Range” Poultry and Eggs: Not All They’re Cracked Up To Be has been revised and expanded - with powerful hatchery photographs and information - to address the most frequently asked questions about “free-range,” “cage-free,” and “certified humane.”
What are the differences?
What happens to “egg-type” male chicks?
Are “free-range” poultry and eggs different from factory farming? What happens at the hatchery?
Is it easy to replace eggs? And more!
8 full-color 5.5 x 8.5 pages focus particular attention on chick hatcheries and debeaking, because this is where commercial poultry and egg production starts, regardless of the label.
To order by credit card, go to www.upc-online.org/merchandise/. Or send check or money order to UPC, PO Box 150, Machipongo, VA 23405.
20 for $3.00 50 for $6.00 100 for $10.00 200 for $15.00
Thank You! Also, check this out: www.upc-online.org/diet/humane_meat.html.