UPC & University Students Protest Serving Animals To Raise Funds

Urge Animal Shelters to Adopt an Animal Friendly Menu for Shelter Events

Photo By: Larissa Mullen

For the second year in a row, UPC urged the New Hampshire SPCA (NHSPCA) not to serve animal products at its fundraisers. Animal protectionists around the country responded to our online alert. As one shelter director said, "We should not eat whom we shelter."

UPC learned of the NHSPCA's plan to serve chicken and fish from animal rights group leader Larissa Mullen, a student at the University of New Hampshire where the fundraiser was held on Nov. 15th.

Armed with UPC literature Mullen's group held a successful protest. According to Mullen, "Many people were very supportive. We got a number of people who were going to the event to take flyers inside to pass out to other people inside. We actually had someone who read a flyer come back out and tell us he supported us. The NHSPCA's webmaster agreed it didn't make sense to post pictures of adoptable roosters while the society made money off a chicken dinner."

What Can I Do?

Politely urge the NHSPCA to serve only vegetarian meals at their fundraisers. Invite them to read Food for Thought, an Animal Place booklet with sample vegetarian recipes and policies, and comments from shelter directors who support humane menus for shelter-sponsored events. (It's FREE from Animal Place, 3448 Laguna Creek Trail, Vacaville, CA 95688, Ph: 707-449-4814; fax: 449-8775. AnimalPlace.org.)

Lisa Dennison, Executive Director
New Hampshire SPCA
PO Box 196
Stratham, NH 03885
Ph: 603-772-2921
Fax: 603-778-7804
Email: Info@NHSPCA.org
Website: www.nhspca.org
Board of Directors

Richard Ford, Chairman
New Hampshire SPCA
108 Portsmouth Avenue
Stratham, NH 03885

Points to make to animal shelters and humane societies that are still serving meat to raise money:

It is the responsibility of SPCAs and humane societies to help raise the intrinsic value of animals in people's minds. This translates into not serving them at shelter-sponsored functions.

Shelters are role models for their community on how to treat animals. SPCAs need to raise the public's awareness and increase their sensitivity towards all animals. Moral consistency is a reasonable goal toward which animal protectionists must strive. (Imagine if United Poultry Concerns offered a fur coat to raise money for chickens.)

Charitable donations should not be used to perpetrate cruelty.

SPCAs and humane societies need to be the community leaders in compassion.

They can no longer ignore this issue. Time is long overdue to adopt a humane menu, which is as easy as going to the vegetarian cookbook section of the local bookstores.

Send them copies of UPC cookbooks Instead of Chicken, Instead of Turkey: A Poultryless "Poultry" Potpourri and Replacing Eggs (to order, see our merchandise pages).

For More Information: Contact Animal Place for a copy of Food for Thought: Adopting an Animal Friendly Menu. This FREE 12-page booklet is the ideal publication to share with your local shelter (to order, see above).

For Recipes Online: