United Poultry Concerns
11 September 2009
Vegetarian Thanksgiving Open House
on the Virginia Eastern Shore
Hosted by United Poultry Concerns
leaves-l (4K) You are Cordially Invited to Share our
19th Annual Thanksgiving Feast

Saturday, November 28, 2009 from 2 to 5 PM
12325 Seaside Road, Machipongo, VA 23405

Meet Our Feathered Friends!
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davida_and_amelia (56K)
Please bring one all-vegetarian, vegan dish to share. (enough to serve 4)

From Norfolk, cross the Chesapeake Bay Tunnel Bridge. Drive 20 minutes on Rt 13 North to the B & B Convenience Store & Chevron Station on the right. Turn right onto Machipongo Drive. Go a mile to the first stop sign. Turn left onto Seaside Road. Drive a mile to 12325 Seaside Road on the right—the white house just past Webb’s Island Road.

From Maryland, DC, Northern VA, take the beltway to Rt 50 East. Cross the Bay Bridge. Drive through Salisbury, MD. Get on Rt 13 South towards Norfolk. Drive 80 Miles to Rt 620, Birdsnest (Look for the small green sign on the right.) Turn left onto Birdsnest Drive across the railroad tracks. Go a mile to the first stop sign. Turn right onto Seaside Road. Go to 12325 Seaside Road -the white house on the left.

From Richmond, take Interstate 64 East. After passing exits to Norfolk International Airport, take the next exit onto Northampton Blvd (Rt 13 North) to the Chesapeake Bay Tunnel Bridge. Cross the bridge. Keep going straight on 13 North and follow the above directions from Norfolk.

leaves-l (4K) For more information contact Karen Davis
757-678-7875 or Karen@upc-online.org

United Poultry Concerns is a nonprofit organization that promotes the compassionate and respectful treatment of domestic fowl. www.upc-online.org
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