Thursday, January 29, 2015
Dear UPC,
I contacted you a few months back about a rooster who had been abandoned near my home in rural Washington. Unfortunately, I was unable to catch him and
never saw him again. Now there are four hens and a rooster at the same dump-off spot, about a half mile from my house. I went over and fed them some
chicken scratch and thought maybe if I make a trail of it to my house, they will follow. I will go over again at dusk and see if they are roosting, but it
looks like they’re hiding out in brush and bushes along a vegetable field across from the river. In the meantime, I have to figure out where they can
live in the event I am able to get them to my house. Thanks so much for any advice.
– Joyce Pollack
Following this email, Joyce was able to rescue two of the four hens but the other two hens disappeared, probably to predation.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Hi Karen & UPC,
Got him! Mr Big is now safely ensconced in a large dog carrier (door open) inside a large ex pen in our garage. Got the two girls to an animal care
facility this morning, as I just couldn't find any place that would take the family unit of hens and rooster. Luckily, an animal sanctuary will probably
take Mr Big. Until then, it should be interesting. He wasn't crowing at all anymore out where he was spending his nights, maybe because his girls were all
gone, or maybe he was lying low to avoid all the predators out there. Now that he is safe, who knows what he will do?
My husband is amazing. We got Mr Big turned around and he ran straight into a net with a husband-rigged extended handle of which he is very proud, crowing
in fact! Just in time really, since we are having huge rainfall here and the river is rising to the point of inundating all the brush and leaves that I
think Mr Big was roosting under. In fact, when I went out this morning to look for him, he was pressed against a tree trunk not far above the rising
waters. Thanks again for your great inspiration and support. It is hard to do this kind of thing without that.
– Joyce Pollack
Mr Big on his perch
Rooster whisperer with net