International Respect for Chickens Day
May 4, 2021

May is International Respect for Chickens Month!

Please do an ACTION for Chickens in May!

May 4 is International Respect for Chickens Day and May is International Respect for Chickens Month. We urge people to do a positive action for chickens illuminating who they are and how we can help them.

Ever since we launched International Respect for Chickens Day in 2005, we’ve urged our supporters to celebrate chickens throughout the world and protest the bleakness of their lives in farming and cockfighting operations by doing an ACTION on their behalf. This year, coronavirus pandemic concerns may limit opportunities to meet directly with family, friends, coworkers, and the general public for face-to-face conversations about chickens. But don’t let that stop you from being a voice for the birds

What Can I Do?
  • If you can get out on a busy street corner or elsewhere in the “real world” to pass out our Chickens Brochures and speak to people at a social distance wearing a mask, please do!

  • Place our new “Dying for Dinner” cards discreetly in stores and insert them into every piece of mail you send out.

  • Use social media to share videos and information showing chickens who are loved and happy versus chickens who are suffering on farms and elsewhere in abusive captivity.

  • Submit a Letter to the Editor or guest column to your local newspaper or other media outlets about chickens, noting that your outreach is prompted by International Respect for Chickens Day/month of May.

  • Use virtual meetings via Zoom or Skype to inform your friends and associates about International Respect for Chickens Day and why chickens matter and need our help.

  • Call in to your local radio station. If you get on the air, be friendly and informative, but do NOT let the host lure you into making fun of chickens. Control the tone of the conversation.

  • Share your favorite chicken-free, egg-free recipes with the media and others. Remind people that plant-based “chicken” products are increasingly available at Walmart, Trader Joes and similar large-scale outlets. These products are free of Salmonella, Campylobacter and other pathogens that make people sick with “stomach flu” as a result of handling and consuming contaminated birds.