United Poultry Concerns
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31 January 2014
Save Mute Swans and
Help Pekin Ducks in New York State

Two Change.org Petitions Need Your Signature & Support!

1. Stop New York State's Swan Killing Plan

GooseWatch NYC Petition on Change.org

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) recently released its proposed ten-year management plan for the Mute Swan in New York state. This outline for management seeks complete and total decimation of the species by the year 2025.

This GooseWatch petition will be delivered to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

Please sign and share. Oppose gov’t extermination of beautiful mute swans in New York.


2. Nassau County Assistant District Attorney: Prosecute Head Groundskeeper at Rockville Center Links Golf Club for Starving Ducks!

Petition by Long Island Orchestrating for Nature (LION), Seaford, New York, will be delivered to the Nassau County, NY DA.

LION Petition on Change.org

Please sign and share. These ducks were in horrific condition, so weak and thin in these bitter sub-zero temperatures. They had just about given up and were pretty much just waiting to die. Our goal is to reach 10,000 signatures and we need more support.

United Poultry Concerns has signed both petitions and posted comment. Please join us!

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